We thought we'd share some of the fun we had during our unit study! The blog layout cuts off a big part of the video screen, but if you click the YouTube link you can see the full screen.
John can't walk barefoot- even in our own house. He has to put on slippers even to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He says, "I don't like anything touching my feet- even carpet."
One time I hid his slippers as a joke and to see what he would do. He walked on the edges of his feet.
I sit in the bathroom sink to put on my makeup.
We will curl up on weekends and watch The History Channel and Science Documentaries. Yeah we are weird!
John and I are BOTH extremely germ-a-phobic. We think the fridge handle and door knobs (in our own house) have COOTIES!
We Love Lysol!
Lysol Kills Cooties!
We probably have the cleanest doorknobs in town.
Even though I hate stupid sayings, I hear myself using them. What's worse is I don't say them right, I get them all mixed up. "it's like when your shoe is on the wrong foot" or "Walk a mile in the wrong shoes" or "He's the apple in my eye."
We BOTH talk and laugh in our sleep. From time to time he will bust out laughing and I will ask him what's so funny and he's sound asleep. I've woken myself up from laughing outloud many times.
Right after we got married, I mumbled a nonsensical sentence and shouted, "SEVEN!" He asked me "Seven what?" with no response. So he tried asking, "Seven people?" "Seven What?" After a few more questions, he realized I was out like a light.
To this day, when someone says something that doesn't make sense, John will shout "SEVEN!"
The other night, John was sleeping and said, "I'm going to get my tools and I'm leaving the building!"
I have some form of dr.'s appointment almost everyday.
If I scheduled every recommended appt, I would have approx. 25 a week.