We Are So Blessed!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Our Day in Los Angeles!

We went to Los Angeles for a Dr.'s appt. of mine, and since it was an all day event we tried to make it fun. We took lots of photos and had a fun family day. Maletch really enjoyed himself and the sights.

I really love this shot, I love the shy expression on his face and the way he is clutching daddy's pants! Maletch is RARELY shy, but he seemed uncomfortable with the lady taking our picture that time, the more she tried to get his attention, the more he clutched daddy and tried to 'hide'.

Hey, what do you know, a rare family shot! We are all looking in the same direction and we are all SMILING!! OK that NEVER happens! Funny how with just 3 of us, at least one of us is always either: looking away, blinking, or is not smiling, I should do a post of just the family shots that didn't work- I just saw a series of our photos that were pretty funny!
I also like it when we all color coordinate, haha I'm a dork! OK- no I don't like dressing "match-y match" like twins- just color coordinated like this. I always dress Maletch in something that "goes with" what I wear, since we always go out together, but hey matching three of us without looking like twins- I thought I did pretty good, whachya think???
Now you will probably notice our outfits more in our pics, LOL... like below in the 4th of July slideshow, that is how I like us to dress- we compliment (eclectically) but not to look like I tried to do it, LOL! Told ya I am a dork!

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