We took Maletch to Disneyland for his official B-day celebration and we had so much fun! Our tickets also included a trip to California Adventure (so we got to have twice the fun!) I was so excited about taking him to both places equally because of the different rides, shows, and parades at each. I had researched ahead of time- so we could make the best use of our time there. I figured that he would be limited to what he could ride since he is only 2 yrs old. But I was surprised and happy to learn that because he is over 35" tall, he could go on every ride that I could (which is anything but the big 'jerky' roller coasters). I can't go on those anyway because of my neck injuries.
What I didn't know was that John had only been to Disneyland ONE time, and it was a LONG time ago (when he was a teenager during 'grad nite'). He didn't grow up in Cali, so he doesn't have the classic childhood memories of Disney, like I have. This was really like both of their first times to Disneyland! That made it even more special! It turned out, he had never even been on any of the rides that we went on (the "classics").
At Disneyland:
We went to City Hall and got Maletch a birthday button, so everybody would know it was his special day (and everybody noticed). Then we took care of some 'really important business'- getting Maletch his "first ears"- ya know ya got to do that! Aww, so cute with his name embroidered across the back! Then we headed for the fun....
He absolutely flipped over 2 of the rides:
"Autopia" was his favorite because he got to drive a 'real' car by himself! My gosh he was so excited while controlling that steering wheel! He drives like a maniac is all I can tell you- we were bouncing around like crazy- but it was so much fun! He even got a driver's license (with his photo) and everything!
The "Nemo Submarine" ride is the other one where he flipped because he loves "Nemo" (from the movie). He kept telling everybody at the park, that he "got to see Nemo on the boat!" This ride was new for me too, because it has been completely remodeled from the 'original submarine ride'- which you might remember was a cool underwater experience- well now the scenery is completely changed and the aqua life are now characters- made to feel like you are in the movie.
We also got to go on "Pirates of the Caribbean" which he seemed to like alot- but he was very 'serious' on that boat because he was busy taking it all in.
A few other fav's were: "The Jungle Cruise" (we saw lots of animals and our 'captain' was HILARIOUS- I was laughing so hard I was crying) and "Alice In Wonderland" was super cool too!
We wanted to go on "It's a Small World" but it was having maintenance issues when we there. We also got to see a fantastic fireworks show that featured a flying, lit-up "Tinkerbell" - Now that was pretty amazing!
We knew there was no way we could go from morning til night with Maletch needing his early afternoon nap, so we decided to go late and stay late which worked out perfect! That is the only nap he usually takes- so he was fully charged for the trip. The only thing we missed out on was 'meeting the characters.' Apparantly they stop walking around early evening, and we didn't realize that (or we could have made that the first thing we did). By the time we started asking about Mickey, he was already gone. Oh well, we know for next time!

3 weeks later, we went to California Adventure:
Although they have a TON of fun rides for kids, I was most excited to take Maletch to their parades and shows.
They have a FANTASTIC "Pixar Parade" that has some amazing floats, with live stunts (crazy stunt men), and all of the major characters from the newer Disney Pixar movies like "Finding Nemo" (ya know he loves that), "Toy Story" (he loves Buzz Lightyear), and his MOST favorite of all yep- "Cars!" I couldn't wait to see Maletch's face when he would meet 'Lightning McQueen' and 'Mater'! Oh boy was he shocked, his eyes were huge and his jaw was dropped for so long (seriously- mouth wide open)- he was in total disbelief- and he was so serious! It was too funny!
That parade had super fun music so I couldn't help but dance and smile the whole time! I uploaded some of the songs/sounds from the parade which you are listening to now (exept the sound was MUCH better and louder in person) . The best part was when McQueen pulled up to us and started reving his engine "Vroom!" "VRoooom!" it was so loud, and so realistic just like a real racecar- it was really awesome! Mcqueen is not just a character in a movie and Maletch's favorite toy- he is real, LOL!
We missed one of the shows that I wanted to take him to, where the classic disney characters (Mickey and friends) sing, dance, and interact with the kids in the audience. It is in a studio there, but we arrived just a little too late- so we will be sure to catch that one next time.
That night we got to see the famous "Electrical Parade" which I was sure I had seen as a kid (at Disneyland)- but it was even more spectacular than I remembered- so much that I'm starting to doubt that I had seen it before. It was truly amazing and beautiful! Tons of characters were in it too.
Maletch made us laugh when "Alice" from 'Alice and Wonderland' went by on a float, and Maletch waved and said, "Hi mommy!" Then he turned around and looked at me like "wait a minute??" She did have long blonde hair, LOL!
We did enjoy all the rides there too, but I think our favorite would have to be the Toy Story 3-D one where we had guns and rode around shooting targets- that was super fun! That is why you will see the silly pics of- all three of us wearing those funky glasses, haha!
Funny, we had so much fun that when we were leaving Cali Adventure- we were already planning to go online (as soon as we got home) to buy more tickets to come back (to both parks) right away! But before we got to the car, we met another family that had 'season tickets' (we had met a few others before) and in talking with them we started seeing the value in them and we decided to get Season Tickets too! YAY! They are rediculously expensive- well I think 850 bucks is crazy (for 2 adults)- but we decided to go for it! I'm excited that we will be able to spend so much quality family fun time- anytime we want- while creating great memories too! So anytime you all want to go to Disney, the Pollards will be available! And you know that means lots more fun Disney pics to come!
The slideshow below is just a few pics I threw together-- but some of my FAVORITE pics are on regular "old school" film. I do have them developed, but I need to scan them to my computer and I just haven't gotten around to that yet. When I do, I will share by adding them to this slide. I will probably also add a few video clips from the Electrical Parade because it's impossible to capture the beauty in a photo, the video is much better! I'm sure some of you haven't seen this parade- it is amazing!
Although they have a TON of fun rides for kids, I was most excited to take Maletch to their parades and shows.
They have a FANTASTIC "Pixar Parade" that has some amazing floats, with live stunts (crazy stunt men), and all of the major characters from the newer Disney Pixar movies like "Finding Nemo" (ya know he loves that), "Toy Story" (he loves Buzz Lightyear), and his MOST favorite of all yep- "Cars!" I couldn't wait to see Maletch's face when he would meet 'Lightning McQueen' and 'Mater'! Oh boy was he shocked, his eyes were huge and his jaw was dropped for so long (seriously- mouth wide open)- he was in total disbelief- and he was so serious! It was too funny!
That parade had super fun music so I couldn't help but dance and smile the whole time! I uploaded some of the songs/sounds from the parade which you are listening to now (exept the sound was MUCH better and louder in person) . The best part was when McQueen pulled up to us and started reving his engine "Vroom!" "VRoooom!" it was so loud, and so realistic just like a real racecar- it was really awesome! Mcqueen is not just a character in a movie and Maletch's favorite toy- he is real, LOL!
We missed one of the shows that I wanted to take him to, where the classic disney characters (Mickey and friends) sing, dance, and interact with the kids in the audience. It is in a studio there, but we arrived just a little too late- so we will be sure to catch that one next time.
That night we got to see the famous "Electrical Parade" which I was sure I had seen as a kid (at Disneyland)- but it was even more spectacular than I remembered- so much that I'm starting to doubt that I had seen it before. It was truly amazing and beautiful! Tons of characters were in it too.
Maletch made us laugh when "Alice" from 'Alice and Wonderland' went by on a float, and Maletch waved and said, "Hi mommy!" Then he turned around and looked at me like "wait a minute??" She did have long blonde hair, LOL!
We did enjoy all the rides there too, but I think our favorite would have to be the Toy Story 3-D one where we had guns and rode around shooting targets- that was super fun! That is why you will see the silly pics of- all three of us wearing those funky glasses, haha!
Funny, we had so much fun that when we were leaving Cali Adventure- we were already planning to go online (as soon as we got home) to buy more tickets to come back (to both parks) right away! But before we got to the car, we met another family that had 'season tickets' (we had met a few others before) and in talking with them we started seeing the value in them and we decided to get Season Tickets too! YAY! They are rediculously expensive- well I think 850 bucks is crazy (for 2 adults)- but we decided to go for it! I'm excited that we will be able to spend so much quality family fun time- anytime we want- while creating great memories too! So anytime you all want to go to Disney, the Pollards will be available! And you know that means lots more fun Disney pics to come!
The slideshow below is just a few pics I threw together-- but some of my FAVORITE pics are on regular "old school" film. I do have them developed, but I need to scan them to my computer and I just haven't gotten around to that yet. When I do, I will share by adding them to this slide. I will probably also add a few video clips from the Electrical Parade because it's impossible to capture the beauty in a photo, the video is much better! I'm sure some of you haven't seen this parade- it is amazing!
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