One time the poor boy held it for 4 1/2 hours, he sat on the potty chair for a long time, then would get up to run around and play (after he couldn't go) but when I would try to put his diaper and pants back on, he would go right back and sit down, telling me, "I'm going to go potty on the potty chair" and that day it went on for 4 1/2 hours- unfortunately with no success, but to his credit, he didn't have any accidents either while running around naked for that long period of time!
Well this week, he had a major breakthrough! One night, much like all previous nights, he sat there, off and on for an hour, insisting he wanted to go, I gave up since I needed to make dinner, and didn't want him running around naked (for fear of an accident) so I insisted he get redressed. He instantly wanted to try again, and I reluctantly let him, and as I walked into the kitchen (leaving him on the potty chair) he came running in with wet hands. Wet hands? that made me suspicious of an accident (although he rarely has them)- but as I went to find "where" he went-- to my surprise it was in the potty chair!!
YAY Maletch, Good Job!!
I don't believe in "bribery" with children, so he has never been promised anything, nor have we made any "deals" for potty training-- but I was so PROUD of him for his achievement that I rewarded him with a special treat... He got a new Thomas & Friends train for his collection "Emily" who is one of his favorites from the movie (that we had stashed for a special occasion or holiday)! He knows why he got it, so he sees it not only as a new toy, but almost like a trophy- he is so proud of that train! I told him that Mommy and Daddy are proud of him and that we are so happy, and at bedtime as I told him goodnite and said his prayer, he said "I'm happy!"

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