I need a Drum Roll please for the MOST exciting event....

Maletch is a HUGE fan of the Fresh Beat Band! For those that don't know who they are: They have a cute show on Nickelodeon that stars this Pop/Hip Hop band and they are actually really good! The actors/band members are in their late 20's, but play teenagers and they have a sitcom kind of show and they always perform multiple songs throughout the show. They also have music videos. It comes on TV in the mornings, but we watch shows and music videos "on demand" whenever we want.
When Maletch was 18 months and we gave him his drums and piano, he used to pretend 'we' were the Fresh Beat Band.... and now, 2 years later, he still does, and now he adds in the role-play/acting (in addition to the music playing).
He ALWAYS assigns the roles in this way:
Maletch: "I'm Twist"
Maletch: "I'm Twist"
"Daddy, you are Shout"
"Mommy you be Kiki"
"And Sariah can be Marina"
"Mommy you be Kiki"
"And Sariah can be Marina"
When I found out they would be in Southern California, I was all over trying to get good tickets. It was harder than I thought, they were sold out all over Los Angeles, San Diego, and more- (which I was surprised since the tickets had only been open for sale for 3 weeks- they are very popular).
Now for the BEST Part:
While I was searching for the best tickets I could find, I found out for a heftier price they offered (to a very limited number of people): a VIP Party Package which includes: front row seats, BACKSTAGE passes to a private party with the band, of course meeting the band, posing for pictures AND the band even teaches the private party-goers a special choreographed dance and dances it with them---- you know I HAD to get that! That is quite the experience!! Well getting THOSE tickets is way easier said than done, but with a lot of perseverance and pulling a few strings- I DID get them!
We do have to travel 3 hours to the nearest venue that had that available, which is a little far, but we will just make a mini vacation out of it! We will get a Hotel for 2 nights, and party with the Fresh Beats, hehe!
This just happens to be on our anniversary weekend too- what a fun way to spend our anniversary! I couldn't think of a more fun thing to do!!
Even though this is band mostly for kids, I am 'cool' enough to admit that I actually like their music, hehe! I have actually caught myself (multiple times) saying, "Oh this is my jam" and dancing to their songs, yep I'm a dork!
I CANNOT wait to tell Maletch about this HUGE surprise because he is going to FREAK- and I can only imagine his face when he meets his idols (especially Twist, who Maletch always 'plays'). We will tell him about 1-2 weeks ahead, so the countdown of days won't be too long- but I am bursting with excitement to tell him now!
Now I need help figuring out what the kids should wear to their first Hip Hop concert and backstage party... I'm thinking it needs to be Rockstar-ish but I haven't figured out what exactly... please share any ideas??
We do have to travel 3 hours to the nearest venue that had that available, which is a little far, but we will just make a mini vacation out of it! We will get a Hotel for 2 nights, and party with the Fresh Beats, hehe!
This just happens to be on our anniversary weekend too- what a fun way to spend our anniversary! I couldn't think of a more fun thing to do!!
Even though this is band mostly for kids, I am 'cool' enough to admit that I actually like their music, hehe! I have actually caught myself (multiple times) saying, "Oh this is my jam" and dancing to their songs, yep I'm a dork!
I CANNOT wait to tell Maletch about this HUGE surprise because he is going to FREAK- and I can only imagine his face when he meets his idols (especially Twist, who Maletch always 'plays'). We will tell him about 1-2 weeks ahead, so the countdown of days won't be too long- but I am bursting with excitement to tell him now!
Now I need help figuring out what the kids should wear to their first Hip Hop concert and backstage party... I'm thinking it needs to be Rockstar-ish but I haven't figured out what exactly... please share any ideas??

The characters if you are curious (left to right): Marina (Sariah), Twist (Maletch), Kiki (me), Shout (daddy). So we could try to dress like this -OR- what would be appropriate for a: not-quite 4 yr old and 9 month old rockstars? (the ages they will be in Feb)
Please remember that he DOESN'T know yet, so don't mention it to him yet. The event is Feb 17th and we will tell him towards beginning of Feb (please check with us first).
With the concert, backstage party, and dance with the band- I can't wait for this event, and I can't wait to take lots of photos AND videos!!
I wish everyone could come and share this experience (especially the grandparents and cousins), but unfortunately just since last week, when I purchased the tickets- the VIP tickets are SOLD OUT there too! General concert tickets are still available, but the front rows are sold out (and the VIP packages are reserved for a small group that have preferred seating).
If anyone is interested in doing this, contact me, because when they come back on tour in Southern Cali, I'm sure we will be doing this again and I can help you get your VIP tickets/packages at the same time (next time)- so let me know now, so we can plan it (because this sells out almost instantly).
*Update*: We told Maletch and he is SUPER excited! Please feel free to discuss it with him!!
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