We Are So Blessed!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fun Fridays with Project Tutorial!!

Fridays are a BIG deal in our house and everybody counts down all week to what we call, "Fun Fridays."
I am always looking for a chance to make every school lesson a fun hands on experience whenever possible (I call it "getting outside the books") but on Fridays I always schedule a super fun activity-filled day. Although still very academic, we substitute educational activities for workbooks, and always end with a more elaborate project. By elaborate I mean: time consuming and/or messy :)
We rotate our final Friday projects between arts & crafts,  science experiments, cooking lessons, and field trips - always tying the project into our "unit study" that we are working on at the time.
We are currently working on an "Owl Unit Study." Each unit study lasts 2 weeks, so this past Friday we did a "snowy owl craft project" and next week we are doing a super fun science lesson- wait til you see!

We made this Lapbook for our Owl Unit Study.
See the little guy next to it, that is what we will be making- so fun!!

We even made a fun pink one too!
The kids say they are brother and sister :)

 Here's the whole family, aren't they cute?
Want to make some? They are easy to do, check out our video(s)...

We posted 2 versions of the video (long and short). For the long video, I included the kids so that other parents/teachers could see what it would be like and how long it might take to do with young children. Plus, I knew our friends would want to see the kids anyway :)
The short version is definitely faster moving and more concise and I expect most people will prefer that version.
Our 6 yr old didn't need much help at all, and our 3 yr old needed a moderate amount (she surprised me, I didn't need to help her as much as I expected). So I would rate this craft appropriate for any age, but ideal for ages 6+.
We hope you enjoy making lots of these fun snowy owls - or- cute and funky owls with your little ones! If you like these little guys, we will be back with another video (coming soon) sharing a fun idea you can do with them- wait till you see!!

The Beginning of More Videos To Come...
Ever since I posted our "Homeschool Classroom Tour" video last year, I have been asked several times if I would make a 'homeschooling video series'. Honestly I thought I was way too much of a homeschool newbie to have anything to offer, I mean really. But after being asked enough times, I've decided what the heck - sounds like fun- so YAY we're doing it! I have no idea what I'm doing, but we're doing it, haha.
Starting today:
With so many topics to choose from, I wasn't sure where to start, so we chose to start by sharing one of our favorite things- "Fun Friday" projects and we made a video tutorial to share with our friends at the same time.
If you have any questions about anything or have requests for topics you would like to see in upcoming videos, we would LOVE to hear from you! Please comment either on the blog or on YouTube with your questions/requests.

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