We Are So Blessed!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our Christmas Was Lots of Fun!

We had a nice cozy Christmas! We had so many presents for Maletch- it took us several days to open everything! Each toy comes so tightly packaged in twisty ties- it takes 20 minutes to get each item out of the box, lol!
He had so much fun playing with everything and opening presents! He has now mastered all of his toys that he got- including T-Ball (which is not a good idea in the house anymore). He hits serious line drives into the walls and a few have hit John and I upside the head when we weren't looking!
He loves coloring on his new Easel/Desk and he is addicted to the Disney movie "Cars" and his favorite characters are Lightning McQueen, Mater, Ramone, Mack, and Doc- which he names perfectly except he pronounces McQueen "Kween" and Ramone "Mamone"
He also loves Thomas the Train, "Tommy Choo Choo" and "Percy" are his favorites right now.
He tries to juggle "guggle" like daddy, and he thinks he's pretty good at it- although he is really just throwing balls- crazy style up in the air- it's really cute!

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